Families and children

We offer free admission for full time students, guided tours and workshops for a range of learners including Key Stages 1-5, college and university groups.

Free 20 minute tours focus on a selection of works as the starting point to explore a specific theme. The works are always examined within their cultural, social and historical contexts and stylistics comparisons are drawn between them. During the talk students will learn how to look at artworks, to observe details and to interpret the artist’s message. Pupils will be encouraged to comment and share their ideas with one another.

Workshops are delivered by Estorick staff or freelance arts educators and can be based upon our permanent collection or temporary exhibitions. Sessions focus on selected works from our collection, before allowing participants to explore ideas and themes further through practical activities. They cost £80 for 1-2hrs, including all materials for a maximum of 30 students. Please contact us for a Teachers’ Packs for more details and guidance for planning your visit.

Education evenings We hold free Education Evenings to coincide with every temporary exhibition, for the chance to view the exhibition, pick up educational resources and find out more about we can offer your school or organisation.

Arts Award Supporter We offer the following to support all levels of Arts Awards. - Free admission and exhibition tours on request - Free art workshops in the holidays and paid workshops on request - Volunteering opportunities - Opportunity to write a review or film a vox pop for our social media.

'Art is never finished, only abandoned.' - Leonardo Da Vinci

Activities & Resources

Activities for kids of all ages to do, watch, make and learn


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