Entrance for the museum (including the parking) is on Canonbury Road. On the same level as the main entrance, there are two galleries (galleries 1 and 2) where temporary exhibitions are held, our shop, café and WCs. Access to all these facilities is stair free and level.
Galleries 3 and 4 are situated one floor up from the main entrance. Access to these galleries is either by stairs (16 steps) or via an alternative external entrance. Please ask in the shop for assistance in using this alternative entrance. The alternative external entrance is via the original front door of the building. The stairs are carpeted and the galleries have smooth varnished wooden floorboards.
Access to galleries 5 and 6, two floors above the main entrance, is by staircase only (20 steps from ground floor, 36 steps from entrance).
Access to the library, three floors above the main entrance, is by staircase only (16 steps from first floor, 52 steps from entrance).
Parking Due to the restriction on space, parking in these spaces is only available to Blue Badge holders. Please call in advance if you would like to make use of one of these spaces (020 7704 9522 Wednesday to Friday; 020 7226 3043 Saturday and Sunday) to ensure availability and so that we can open the gates to the space in advance. Parking is on a gravel surface. Entrance for the museum (including the parking) is on Canonbury Road.
Induction Loop The museum is equipped with a hearing loop system that covers the shop and gallery 2 where conferences and lectures are held.
Assistance Dogs Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs are welcome in the museum at all times. Water for dogs is available in the café.
Admissions policy Concessionary charges apply for disabled visitors. A companion's entry is offered free on arrival on a 1:1 basis.