Join us for an evening of contemporary Italian literature in partnershp with Ornella Tarantola of Italian Books.

Philosopher and writer Maura Gancitano will be joined by Ivan Luca Galenda for a fascinating introduction to her latest book Erotica dei sentimenti - Per una nuova educazione sentimentale, published by Einaudi Edizioni in 2024.

18.00 Doors open

18.30 Conversation starts

L’educazione sentimentale è entrata nel dibattito pubblico come possibile soluzione alla violenza di genere, ma viene spesso confusa con le buone maniere, il bon ton, il galateo, vale a dire con un insieme di regole e codici considerati socialmente appropriati, a cui bisogna adeguarsi con ubbidienza. Per questa ragione, spesso riceve critiche e rifiuti. In effetti, l’espressione “educazione sentimentale” di per sé non indica un contenuto preciso, ma apre una serie di domande su ciò che riteniamo giusto, etico, rispettoso, sulle idee che abbiamo rispetto alle relazioni, ai conflitti e al modo per risolverli.

Maura Gancitano, philosopher and writer, together with Andrea Colamedici, is the founder of Tlon, a cultural and philosophical dissemination project that manifests itself in various forms: publishing house, bookshops, the Festa della Filosofia in Rome and Milan and the Italian Podcast Awards. For Einaudi she published Specchio delle mie brame (2022). She collaborates with La Repubblica, Vanity Fair and Radio24.

Ivan Luca Galenda, born in Rome, has lived in London since 2016. He graduated in International Relations and is deeply passionate about "AI policy" and "AI ethics". He is currently Strategic Director in a consultancy company. Alongside his career, he is very active in the Italian community in the UK. He collaborates with the PD London and UK, where he held the role of treasurer, with a commitment to promoting the involvement and cohesion of the Italian community in Britain.

The event is in collabration with Formazione e Dibattito and Tlon

£7.50 / £6.00 Estorick Members and Students

Please note that the conversation will be in Italian.

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The event will take place on the ground floor of the building and it is fully accessible.

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